F. P. Grove's In Search of Myself
e-Edition ©2007

e-TEXT & Illustrations

Part I: Childhood. -- Part II: Youth. -- Part III: Manhood. -- Part IV: And After.

"It was a dismal November day..." (p.1) -- "...the biography of a Frenchman, still living..." [=Gide] (p.3) -- "Translations ... had appeared in sixteen countries..." (p.4) -- "On occasion I had...pruned his too flowery style..." (p.5) -- "My early friends were famous men..." (p.10) -- "That night I ... [began] ... the story of MY LIFE AS A WRITER IN CANADA." (p.11)
Part One: Childhood (Books I+II in 5 Parts)
I. pt.1 "If, in a state of prenatal existence..."
I. pt.2  "I must have been about twelve years old..."
I. pt.3  "I was given my instructions..."
II. pt.1  "My earliest distinct and undoubted memory..."
II. pt.2  "Whenever she talked to me of my father..."
Part Two: Youth (Books III+IV in 3 Parts)
III  "I spent the summer at home, riding, rowing,..."
IV. pt.1  "I was restless during that summer..."
IV. pt.2  "In times gone by..."
Part Three: Manhood (Books V-IX in 8 Parts)
V. pt.1  "It may seem strange that, even before..."
V. pt.2  "In 1903, I spent ... the winter in northern Europe..."
VI.  "Carefully, step for step, ... I went over my life..."
VII. pt.1  "For over a year and a half, my life..." [in Haskett]
VII. pt.2  "And now for the decisive event..." [Miss Wiens]
VIII. pt.1  "I racked my brain for the best means..."
VIII. pt.2  "One morning, July 1st, ..." [26 mile drive to Leifur]
[IX.]  "Winter had now come on in earnest ..." [in Eden]
Part Four: And After (Books X-XIV)
X.  "At Eden we remained for a single year..."
XI. "In the spring of 1926 ..." [Settlers]
XII. "In town, it was generally expected ..." [Rapid City]
XIII. "And now, in this record, I have arrived..."
XIV. "How, in these years from 1931 to 1940..."
p.458: "The above record closes in the year 1939..." -- Since 1938: "panoramic novel" [The Seasons]. -- 1944: stroke & pension, Can. Writers Foundation.

ISM Illustrations

FPG Monogram (Cover)
"By the same Author" (10 Books) & FPG Portrait
Title Page with Motto: "Ça vous amuse, la vie?" (H. Adams)
Imprint & Dedication: "To my friend Carleton Stanley"
Postscript (Text)

Mss Cover, "MY LIFE" [UMA Grove Collection, Mss2]
Motto & it's elusive source: Henry Adams

Table: FPG's creative use of biographical "Fact & Fiction"
(with reference to Goethe's Autobiography Dichtung & Wahrheit)
ISM mss + ASA pref. 1939

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