Gaby Divay's NASArtGallery

Glowing hot gas waves in the Perseus Galaxies
Counting more than a thousand mostly elliptical or lenticular galaxies.
The Perseus cluster lies an incredible 250 MILLION lightyears away.
(Image taken from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory satellite, launched in July 1999)
Reminder: 1 LYr equals nearly SIX trillion miles - that is a "6" with 12 zeros -
In this case, this amounts to: 1 billion, 750 million + 12 zeros
or: 1 SEXTILLION (10/p21), 750 QUINTILLION (10/p18)
1,750,000,000 / 000,000,000,000 miles
6 x 250, 000,000 = 1750+000.000
(wikipedia, "names of large numbers" ; note, that this is in accordance with the "Short Scale" terminology --
in the European "Long Scale" it would be 1700 Trillion)
(NASA AstroPic Archive, May 4, 2017)

Image adapted from:
NASA's "Astronomy Picture of the Day" - May 4, 2017
AstroPic Description ("Perseus Cluster")
Posted by Stephen Walker, et al.

Dr. Gaby Divay
Senior Scholar, Archives & Special Collections
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