FPG (Greve/Grove) Translations:

Gustave Flaubert

Felix Paul Greve's Translations:
Gustave Flaubert

  1. [Bouvard & Pecuchet]
    [allegedly, transl. by Greve (to Gide, Oct. 1904)]

  2. Briefe an Zeit- und Zunftgenossen

  3. Briefe über seine Werke

  4. Reiseblätter
    Briefe aus dem Orient.
    Über Feld und Strand: eine Reise in der Bretagne.

  5. Die Versuchung des Heiligen Antonius

"E. Greve" [=Else von Freytag-Loringhoven] is the acknowledged translator of two correspondence volumes. However, Greve claims that SHE knew neither English nor French, only a little Italian, & that HE did all the work [to Gide, Oct. 1904]

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