Felix Paul Greve's Poems

Felix Paul Greve
e-Edition by Gaby Divay
© August 2007

University of Manitoba Libraries
FPG & FrL Collections
University of Manitoba Archives

How to cite this e-Edition of Greve's German Poems, 1898-1909

Sonnets from Dante's Vita Nuova, 1898

Felix Paul Greve: Das Jahr der Wende, 1901

Felix Paul Greve: Wanderungen, 1902

Felix Paul Greve: Aus Helga, 1902

Felix Paul Greve: Cäsarische Zeit, 1902

Greve's Gedichte for Stefan George, 1902
Greve's Gedichte for Wolfskehl, 1902
Fanny Essler's Poetry Cycle, 1904/5

Published Poems, 1904-1909

Greve's Sonnets from Dante's Vita Nuova

1. "Durch alle sphären..." (VN 41)
2. "Ihr Seelen..." (VN 3)
3. "Da einen Pfad..."  (VN 9)
4. "In ihrem blick..."  (VN 21)
5. "O der gedanke..."  (VN 38)
6. "Ihr meine augen..."  (5x3)

Greve's Gedichte for Stefan George, 1902

1. "So stehn wir ewig..." (4x4)
2. Mona Lisa  (5x4)
3. "Grau schläft der see..."  (3x4)
4. "Aus dunkler tiefen..."  (5x4)
5. "An diesem wasser..."  (3x4)
6. "Wir standen auf..."  (5x3)
7. "So reit ich nieder..."  (4x4)

Greve's Poems for Karl Wolfskehl, 1901/2

Zeus Ammon (Wilde, The Sphinx, 1901)
"Poem" in 1902 letter to Wolfskehl

Greve's published poems, 1904 + 1907

1. Die Hexe, 1904  (1x6, 1x8, 1x6)
2. Erster Sturm, 1907  (5x4 = "Dünen" MP1)
3. Die Stadt am Strande, 1907  (4x4)

How to cite this e-Edition:
Greve, Felix Paul. German Poems, 1898-1909. e-Edition, Gaby Divay. Winnipeg: UM Archives & Special Collections, ©2007.
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